Your energy renovation made easy

Kopo is an innovative dApp that allows users to simplify the process of applying for Energy Saving Certificates (ESC). With Kopo, beneficiaries can follow in real time the progress of their application from the platform. The particularity of Kopo is that all the files created are stored on the blockchain, thus offering transparency and total traceability.
Moreover, since the blockchain is unforgeable and immutable, records cannot be altered or deleted. The dApp has been developed to be easy to use, secure and transparent to provide an optimal user experience.
Project context
In France, Energy Saving Certificates (ESC) have been set up to help individuals to finance their energy renovation work. However, the process to obtain these aids is often long and opaque, with many backs and forth between the different stakeholders, which can take more than 6 months.

In addition, there has been an increase in the number of cases of fraud, which has led to a strengthening of control and security measures, with an anti-fraud budget that has risen from 0.5 million euros to 7 million euros in just three years. Yet ESC are essential to achieving Europe's 2050 greenhouse gas emission reduction targets. It is important to note that the slightest error or irregularity can invalidate a folder, which can discourage individuals from undertaking energy renovation work.
Kopo was developed in this context to simplify and secure the ESC application process and thus facilitate access to grands for individuals.
Presentation of Kopo
Kopo is a decentralized platform that allows users to simplify and secure their requests for Energy Saving Certificates (ESC). It uses blockchain technology to guarantee the transparency and immutability of data exchanged between beneficiaries and obligated parties.
Throughout the process, the unique smart contract associated with the application allows the progress of the application to be tracked in a transparent and unchangeable manner. Kopo offers an innovative and efficient solution to simplify and accelerate the ESC application process, while guaranteeing its security and authenticity thanks to blockchain technology.
Technologies used
The front-end development of the project involves Next.js for web development, Rainbow Kit for linking to the user's digital wallet, Ethers.js for blockchain communication, and NFT.storage for NFT management. Wagmi.sh is integrated to streamline blockchain connectivity and serve as a global state manager.
The blockchain development utilizes Hardhat, a platform for smart contract development, with some contracts being Upgradeable for future modifications. Security features are provided by OpenZeppelin, while Chai is used for unit testing and Eth-gas-reporter tracks gas costs on the blockchain. Solidity Coverage measures code coverage during unit tests.
Kopo offers intuitive user paths for beneficiaries and obligated parties, streamlining the ESC application process. Smart contracts manage document validation, ensuring security and authenticity.

The beneficiary path begins by connecting the user's digital wallet to the dApp. Once this connection is established, Kopo displays the user's existing ESC folders and allow the user to create new ones.
The creation of a folder involves the deployment of a smart contract which represents the folder on the blockchain. Then, the user can add a document to the created folder, such as a renovation estimate, which will be converted to an NFT and sent to the designated obligated for validation. The document will then appear as "pending" until the obligator validates or rejects it.
The dApp uses the event of the smart contracts present on the blockchain to display the folders and the documents. The documents to be validated appear directly and the obligated can view, validate, or reject them easily.
The Kopo dApp uses five different smart contracts to work properly:
The KopoAddressProvider is an Upgradeable smart contract serving as a router for the dApp, linking the Kopo interface with various smart contracts. It is adaptable and allows updates to integrate new smart contracts or modify their Ethereum addresses as required by Kopo.
The KopoFolderFactory is a Factory-type smart contract enabling the duplication of the "KopoFolderHandler" smart contract, which represents the ESC application folder on the blockchain.
The KopoFolderHandler is a smart contract of type ERC721 and IERC721Receiver, representing the ESC application file. It can receive NFTs representing proofs of claim (documents) and mint a single NFT to represent the folder. This NFT can be utilized in DeFi for transfer or collateralization operations.
The KopoDocumentHandler is a smart contract of type ERC721 that enables the generation of NFTs based on user-entered data and links them to the appropriate folder. To enhance security during potential file transfers, NFTs cannot be transmitted without recipient consent.
Kopo revolutionizes ESC management, providing a secure, transparent, and efficient solution. Its use of cutting-edge technologies and smart contracts minimizes transaction costs while maximizing functionality, ultimately benefiting both users and obligated parties.